September 30th, 2016

September 30, 2016

Yesterday night I was in such misery that I could only hope death would come swiftly.  Now it’s close to noon and I’ve taken a salt bath and done my rife treatments, and I feel a little better.  I took just five seconds now to queue in on my body, and all of the discomfort is still right there waiting for me.  If I can distract myself enough from it, I do better.  If I become too exhausted to do anything such that I have to lie down and feel it, I can only cope – I may begin researching suicide methods or reading a blog about chronic pain.

A beautiful thing about the Gaian paradise that we will be moving into is that there will be less attachment to bodies, such that if they were to become racked with pain, the decision to leave the body would be fully supported.  When I write fully supported, I mean that you would have many around you who could offer you counsel, treatment, physical contact, help with anything you needed, and they would do everything for you first.  If it was determined by you that the body was just too painful to continue to exist in, they would offer you a quick and painless exit.

It is sick beyond sick that people in chronic pain are not given the option in most areas of the world to die peacefully with the aid of physicians.  It is not a surprise that it is this way since the dark ones want as much misery as possible, and offering a quick and painless way out would be against their fundamental tenets.

It is important to understand as well that the fear of death would also be largely removed in the Gaian world.  There would be an overwhelming awareness that life is eternal, God is good, and that we exist to create and celebrate.

Also, in the Gaian world, bodies would be far healthier and stronger, gravity would not be so strong, synchronicities would increase, there would be far less danger, there would be greater intuition about the presence of danger, all making the chance of illness or injury very small.

As it is now, most of the benefits that Gaia would gladly bestow upon us are missing.  We are weak, most of us are sick, most of us are greatly deluded about ourselves and the world and God, there is little support when you fall apart, and life can quickly become a downward spiral when pain becomes too overwhelming.

When I am using the rife machine, I watch youtube since my hands are tied (actually, my hands are holding metal tubes).  I watched a video today with a man who had a retreat center and he was talking about the importance of the mind and spirit in healing.  While I don’t disagree, what I would state is that all true healing must be holistic and include all aspects of your being.  If you are in an environment that heals holistically, you may obtain fantastic results, but when you leave and are not supported as you were before, you may just fall apart again, despite your efforts to address mind and spirit.

What is the point of this?  That the world as a whole needs to become far healthier so it is a place of natural holistic healing.

There is a scrawny old raw foodist in Arizona, giving shaktipat to his patients, charging exorbitant money to stay at his center, and a while back when I was really sick and considering my options, I looked into an internship to get some of the benefits of being there.  Their message was that you needed to be happy and healthy first before going there.  If health and money are the barriers in the first place, how are these places actually going to help people who are at bottom?

If you’ve been a system player your entire life and get sick, your obedience to the system means you’ll probably have enough funds to pay for treatments, take a retreat, and still have your sorry ass job when you get back.  But when we look at the world as a whole, most people are already in dire need and if they get really sick, there may be no real chance of recovery as they haven’t gotten a foothold in the system, and therefore no access to the dirty money used to pay for everything.

The spiral is really the most important shape to keep in mind when considering evolution.  When things spiral down, everything can support the downward motion.  When things spiral up, everything can support upward motion.  We are agreeing right now to live in a world with downward spiraling motion, all leading to death of course.  That is simply factual.  Arguing with facts is proof of stupidity.  Stating that it is negative to think of the world this way is pure boobism.

I’ll flesh this out really quickly.  We need to fully recognize that we are living in hell in order to see that we need to get out of this situation.  We also need to realize that the way out of hell is expressing ourselves joyfully and spreading our happiness wherever we go.  It is therefore not negative to write or speak about the conditions of this prison, as it is simply factual.  At the same time, most of our attention should be focused on that which brings us up while never forgetting where we are.

If it were this simple, we would just focus on being happy, but the reality is that our minds and bodies are exhausted and most of us are not in touch with our souls, which means we are disconnected from God as well.  Anytime the mind and body become overly exhausted, spirit and God is cut off, which, by the way, satanic forces are well aware of.

Just like the fifteen puzzle requires a little bit of space in order to move the pieces around, without a little space to experience the radiance of our souls, we will be kept in the quagmire of mind-body hell.  If you create more space in the fifteen puzzle to move around, any little child could do it easily.  What needs to occur on a global scale is we need to create more space, more breathing room for our souls, just like taking the #15 piece out of the fifteen puzzle and making it a fourteen puzzle.

This space occurs in pockets by people coming together to create synergistic group energy.  Once that synergy is created, it has to be maintained and shared.  If synergy is not sustained, the group members either as a whole or individually will get reabsorbed by the collective.  Thus it is crucial to have a vision first of our goal, and second to have a methodology to arrive there.

If I were to offer the plan without also offering a vision, it would become at best just the next idiotic thing to go on the dr. oz show.  The Plan can only be effective with the right vision, and part of the vision includes being fully aware of what the world is right now.  On my website, I hope to keep the vision of the future we desire the most visible aspect of the website, and only include scant bits of information regarding the darkness of the world as it is presently.

The focus of DtD is the solution, and it being 2016, there should be enough readiness in the world such that I do not need to provide people with information on the nature of this prison.  The one issue I see with that is that if a whole lotta dumbshits get on board first, they will make the plan ineffective, so it might be sensible to repel some of them away.  Who the hell knows.  Too many variables.  Just gonna keep working on it – that’s all I can really say.

I’ll wrap up by reiterating the point that all individual efforts should pretty much be exhausted by now, and it should be abundantly clear that a group effort is required.  If you still believe that there is something you can do for yourself while the world stays pretty much the same, you are either very young and naive or just plan stupid.  It is a fact that you will do whatever you are capable of on a daily basis to make your life better, and there is nothing you can do about stopping yourself from doing this.  However, whether you appear successful or not in your efforts, if you cannot see that the state of the whole is so utterly diseased and intolerable that your deluded daydream in your pissant little bubble really matters not, you are useless.

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